Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tool 2: Building Community and Comments

1. Building an educational community and creating my own PLN (Personal Learning Network) will open new doors for me and my students. I look forward to sharing with other teachers their
techniques and strategies for helping students to be successful. I envision my students sharing their thoughts and ideas on our PLN about concepts covered in class. Karen Szymusiak's observations on the changing role of the teacher as an "expert learner" really struck a chord with me as I see myself always taking on new challenges and stretching myself as I grow older. I think students need to know that the teacher is a lifelong learner as well.
2. From the commenting advice I learned that being a lurker is easy and that commenting is a way to share your views with the blogger and other subscribers. In the "10 Techniques to Get More Comments" article I think the most important point was to be gracious, humble and most importantly, controversial. By creating controversy, a dialogue opens up and sparks interest and debate between the bloggers. Sounds like fun.
3. The five blogs I selected to comment on are those of my fellow Sherwood teachers - Impending Technology; Something else to do; Kathy's Blog; and Fatigued Teacher. I also commented to Cool Cat Teacher's blog as she has so much to share on the idea of PLN's. I imagine that I will be adding to this list very soon.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting because being controversial is not typically what someone wants to be or feels comfortable being, but being able to "hide" behind your computer makes people feel more comfortable.
